The biggest disease prevention potential of Vitamin-E is due to its antioxidant activity. Antioxidants do everything in your body from preventing cancer and heart disease to boosting your immune system and slowing the aging process. They do this by providing a layer of protection for the cells and tissues of the body, like the way a coat of wax helps protect a car’s finish.

Oxygen is the most important nutrient to the human body and is necessary for every cell in your body to function. However, a small amount of this oxygen gets loose and produces unstable by-products called free radicals. Poor metabolism, as well as, environmental pollution and cigarette smoke can produce free radicals. An overload of free radicals in the body causes damage to the cells, ultimately resulting in disease and accelerated aging. Antioxidants help prevent cancer and heart disease by protecting your body’s cells from free-radical damage.

Some findings suggest Vitamin-E may reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 50%. Other studies suggest that Vitamin-E bolsters the immune system and may reduce the risk of cancer, while others say it may be effective in preventing Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin-E is said by some researchers to delay the development of cataracts and may even prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) and thereby delay atherosclerosis. All in all, there are volumes on what Vitamin-E can do for you to prevent and heal disease. Vitamin-E is also known to support the assimilation and usage of selenium and Vitamin-K in the body.

These additional plant nutrients have associated health benefits not found in other natural Vitamin-E plant sources. Structurally similar to beta-carotene, squalene, which occurs naturally in the body, is found in the greatest concentration in the skin and therefore is a key element in the protection of the skin surface from harmful UV light and other forms of radiation. It is involved in the creation of Vitamin-D in the skin.

Studies indicate squalene is a strong detoxifier of the body. It also supports the function of the retina associated with nighttime and peripheral vision, and may even have some effect in suppressing the growth of tumor cells. Squalene is such a significant antioxidant that it even recycles other antioxidants such as Vitamin-A, Vitamin-E, lycopene and beta-carotene so they can continue to be effective in your body. Palm fruit Vitamin-E has 5 times more squalene than olive oil. (NOTE: Shark liver oil is where most squalene is derived. Yep, back to stinky, toxic, polluted and disgusting fish guts.)

Finally, the phytosterols in palm fruit (also known as plant hormones) are well regarded as modulators of human hormones, which may support low hormone levels due to their resemblance in structure to hormones found in the human body.




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