One of the spirulina health benefits is Beta-carotene, which is a natural pigment or color that is found in foods, especially carrots, hence its name. The American Cancer Society suggests that consuming foods high in beta-carotene is important for cancer prevention. Spirulina is 10 times more concentrated in beta-carotene than carrots. Spirulina is packed with a rainbow of natural pigments, which gives it a deep green color. Green (chlorophyll), blue  (phycocyanin) and orange  (carotenoids)—this is what gives the spirulina its very high Vitamin–content.

Vitamin-B12 equals blood-building energy.  This is why a doctor gives people who are out of energy a Vitamin-B12 injection.  SuperFood Plus contains over 200% of the Vitamin-B12 you need for the whole day just from the spirulina, and when you add in the other ingredients, you are getting over 550% of this energy vitamin in every dose.  Best yet, all of the Vitamin-B12 is coming from single-celled micro-plants which means you will assimilate it in minutes, some of it right in your mouth. It also contains the yellow-pigmented carotenoid, zeaxanthin, which is naturally present in the retina and macula of the eyes. This nutrient protects against cataract development and macular degeneration (AMD), a major cause of blindness in the elderly.

Phycocyanin is the antioxidant responsible for the bluish pigment in spirulina.  Scientists say that Phycocyanin evolved a billion years before chlorophyll.  It may be the precursor to chlorophyll  (in plant blood) and hemoglobin  (in human blood), because it has both magnesium and iron at its core. Phycocyanin may be the origin of life common to both plants and animals.  Research shows it stimulates the immune system, builds both red and white blood cells and assists in detoxification. Chinese scientists have discovered that phycocyanin regulates production of white blood cells; even when toxic chemicals or radiation has damaged the bone marrow cells.

Spirulina is one of the most significant food sources of GLA, the “good” Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids. It is a PMS de-stressor, anti-inflammatory, immune system booster and cholesterol reducer. It is also beneficial to cardiovascular health, ADHD, helps relieve depression and arthritis, and slows the progression of nerve diseases.

Just one serving of Dr. Schulze SuperFood Plus contains 960 units of naturally occurring SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase). SOD is part of the natural enzyme system responsible for the antioxidant efforts to neutralize harmful free radicals, which occur during normal cellular activities within the body.  These free radicals are also one of the most body damaging and cancer-causing agents present in junk food. This nutrient protects and defends all of your body’s cells from damage.  This role in performing oxidative control makes SOD the enzyme with the highest turnover rate of any known enzyme.  Free radicals contribute to many pathological conditions including Parkinson’s and other neuron-degenerative diseases as well as atherosclerosis and cancer.  Your body produces less SOD starting at age 10 after which levels begin declining approx.  15% per decade. Replenishing your body’s levels of SOD may help to prevent inflammation and reduce the cellular breakdown that contributes to general age-related degeneration of muscles, organs and body tissues.

Quoted in AARP:  “The University of South Florida Center for Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair reported that spirulina, “demonstrated improved”.

Health Benefits of Spirulina
High-Energy Antioxidant Immune-Booster



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